May 3-4, 2003, Washington Pass
WA Cascades East Slopes North
Saturday left Blue Lake parking lot at 9:00. Snow was fairly firm for top couple inches, then semi-firm for next foot. Unfortunately, area was well traveled earlier in the week when temperatures were soaring. This left a lot of frozen ski and snowshoe tracks. Also lots of avalanche debri from the warm temps. Very easy skin up to the top where the col drops down to the hairpin. Decided not to go down the col since we did not feel like hitch-hiking. Also, lots of debri at the bottom. Actually saw two skiers downclimbing this 50 yard section. They stated they were not in the mood for twisted knees. Headed back down the way we came and found some nice turns in the few patches of snow that were untracked. Then cut skiers left to Blue Lake. Skinned above Blue lake to top of Valley and actually had the pleasure of not seeing any other ski tracks. Excellent turns back down. 3,000 ft. 5 hours.
Sunday started from the hairpin. Headed up towards Kangaroo ridge. Snow was very firm, Yeah! Climbed up to first bench then to the pass. Once again lots of avy debri, but a few less tracks. Climbed 2,000 feet then circled back. Got best turns of weekend. Very firm snowpack with top 1/2 inch just melted. This is how it is suppose to be. Got a little sticky at bottom but overall very nice, except for the steep section to the first bench that was totally tracked / covered with avy debri.
2,000 ft. 3.5 hours :D
Sunday started from the hairpin. Headed up towards Kangaroo ridge. Snow was very firm, Yeah! Climbed up to first bench then to the pass. Once again lots of avy debri, but a few less tracks. Climbed 2,000 feet then circled back. Got best turns of weekend. Very firm snowpack with top 1/2 inch just melted. This is how it is suppose to be. Got a little sticky at bottom but overall very nice, except for the steep section to the first bench that was totally tracked / covered with avy debri.
2,000 ft. 3.5 hours :D
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