Home > Trip Reports > Little Devil Peak + Monogram Glacier

Little Devil Peak + Monogram Glacier

WA Cascades West Slopes North (Mt Baker)
Posted by Alisse on 9/29/21 1:46pm

Quick TR: Aaron and I went up Little Devil Peak and "skiied" Monogram Glacier last Saturday.

Lots of super-ripe bluebs were eaten, lingering wildflowers were seen, a ridge was followed, the peak was scrambled, a great flat bivy was located, the clarity of the milky way was remarked upon, and excellent views all around were had. Oh, and yeah, some September turns were made!

You'd never guess from the topo 😉but this glacier is super, super flat.

Great trip. I will happily go back when there's more snow! Trapezoid looks incredible!

Photos aren't working within the TR (apparently the last TR author had an issue with this too) but:





Looks like a great area. Nice pictures, too!

Nice Trip! Thanks for the photos. Looks like an awesome summer spot.

Very cool. I really liked my ski trip up to that peak last April or so (can't remember offhand). I was also surprised how flat it was! But really cool area. Loved seeing the Eldorado Massif, Backbone ridge, etc., from the other side. 

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2021-09-29 20:46:04