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Hart's Pass - Our First TAY!

WA Cascades East Slopes North
Posted by IanWoodford on 10/31/21 12:31pm

My wife and I celebrated our first ever 12 consecutive months of skiing yesterday! And it was so so good.

Snow began at 4000'.  At about 5000' it became too deep to drive through.  From there we skinned 3.6 miles skin to Hart's Pass. Those 3.6 miles were about 18F degrees and gorgeous views.  All the snow from there to the pass had about 2 inches of firm crust, strong enough to support our weight without breaking.  Starting around Hart's pass, the snow got deeper, softer, and the crust faded away.  We went about half mile beyond the pass before climbing a short SW facing pitch.  Estimated 16 inches of delicious pow!

Thanks entirely to the snowmobilers the 4.2 miles road back to the car was all skiable, with just a few spots of skating.

Saw no other skiers, 1 hunter, and 5 snowmobilers (1 looked about 6 years old on the smallest sled I've ever seen, very cute, he kept falling off into the soft snow).


Congrats on a full year! And also - nice work sniffing out the good skiing at Harts Pass! That is master level creativity when you ski bluebird powder on a weekend, close to the car, and nobody else thought to go. A+! Thanks for posting. Keep it up!


I need you on my speed dial for car to car skiing all year. Well done. 

Congrats you two! Way to steal the apple, and what great condition to finish on. I’m green with envy. 

Congrats on the first TAY, guys, and wow - what a great day to do it!

Thanks a ton for posting, and I look forward to more TR's from you two : )

Way to go get it :)!

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2021-10-31 19:31:06