Home > Trip Reports > April 9, 2004, Navaho Peak

April 9, 2004, Navaho Peak

WA Cascades East Slopes Central
Posted by avp on 4/9/04 10:23pm
Charles, Matt and I (Andy) headed east hoping to find good consolidated spring snow.  Navaho Peak in the Wenatchee Mountains was our destination.  Suprisingly, we were able to drive to within a quarter mile of the trailhead by busting through a few minor patches of snow. This springs drought and high temps is allowing early access to this area.  We headed up the Stafford Creek Trail and were skinning after a mile or so.  We climbed on a hard snow surface up to the Saddle between Navaho Peak and Little Navaho Peak (Pt. 6442) southeast of Navaho Peak.  We deskied to climb the steep loose rock slope (beautiful serpentine and mica flecked rocks) up to the long gentle southest ridge of Navaho.  We were on top at 1:00pm.  The south facing slope of Navaho provides about 2200 vertical feet of nicely pitched moderate slopes (~30 deg.).  There is a open section "the Blaze" and nicely spaced glades.  We skiied the blaze first and encountered great snow and a nice steeper section.  The snow was getting a little mushy but still very predictable as we climbed to the top again.  The second run was in the glades and this snow still had firm base and provided great turns.  There was a bit of a bushwack to get back to the trail from the bottom of this run, with bare patches and a sketchy stream crossing of the east fork of Stafford Creek.  Back at the car at 7:00 pm after a fun attempt to extend the skiing as for down the trail as humanly possible before walking.  A great time was had in beautiful weather. Matt for some reason attributed this to having brought his brand new whippet ski pole along which he didn't even use!? I guess thats what new gear does for you..
Really though, it was the magical properties associated with the new piece of gear that made the trip.  How else can we explain that many thousands of vertical feet of exquisite corn snow?  How else can we explain the spectacular views?  How else can we explain the amazing sollitude in such a spectacular location?  Unfortunately the good ju-ju didn't extend to my camera. . .

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2004-04-10 05:23:15