October 13, 2001, Muir snowfields, Mt. Rainier NP
WA Cascades West Slopes South (Mt Rainier)
"Traction Tires Required". That's what the sign said, but they weren't necessary. But the snow was fine on Mt. Rainier! White was scattered amongst the warm-red blueberry bushes at 5,000 ft, much of the vegetation was covered at 6,000 ft., wind and snowdrifts at 6,200 ft, then hard crust, ice, rime ice, solid ice till about 7,000 ft. The first 1,500 vf down, were real nice--a skiff of cream on the firm snow that had filled in the suncups and produced the smooth, bright white, even surface. The 2nd run down was even better as the sun had softened the snow even more. At least some of this snow should last through winter, so these were our first turns of the new season! Nice. p.s. The walk out was tropical, ankle deep slush and water at times.
andy carey
andy carey
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