Home > Trip Reports > November 2, 2002, Flett Glacier, Mt. Rainier

November 2, 2002, Flett Glacier, Mt. Rainier

WA Cascades West Slopes South (Mt Rainier)
Posted by Robie on 11/3/02 8:10am
Those who chose not to go to FLett Galcier to get thier October turns in Chose well.On Sat morning Gene (A intrenet friend )and I hiked up to the Flett wiith the hopes of finding some of that left over 3" of snow. Cruelly there was snow in the trail but nowhere else. We crampooned up the bare ice of the Flett hoping to find the snow windblown into some protected area. You all knew ,Didn't you ? Zip. Gene who is leaving this planet for a job on HAwaii decided to scratch his last turns on the Flett. Using a very short pair of skis he scribed his turns in. Very sad indeed for you Flett afficianos as familiar terrain has an unfamiliar look. I did find some chalky crusty windblown and stumbled though my 10 turns. Long hike out became longer using headlamps in short daylight hrs.
Woe is me! Please Ullar ,please snow.
It looks like we are all trying to outdo each other in the torture points category. You win (so far)! Now that you've gone, you might want to see what it looked like two weeks ago in this climbing report.

And if bad snow is not dangerous enough, it seems that simply driving up the Mowich Lake road is even worse, as evidenced by this recent incident report.

At least you have November in the bag, just in case...

Robie wins for torture points... musta logged 500 or more on that one.  
Great bonding experience though, and just think about the experience one gets on a trip like that.  You can't BUY that kind of experience.
I feel kinda sheepish about yesterday...

Charles from the look of the new Muir pics you guys hit deep powder campared to what we found at FLett. Also no Crevasses open below Observation and Echo.Did see a shady line and side stepped it. Ron ,sometimes it's better to stay with the flock. Hey let's hear that Road trip story to the Palmer.How many Dairy queens and beer pubs did it take to get home?

I feel kinda sheepish about yesterday...

Hey Ron, I'm feeling that way too.  Can't wait to see your photo's from our "tourtue" trip yesterday.   ;D ;D

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2002-11-03 16:10:20