Mt St Helens
Hiked about 3 miles until snow around 4100 ft. Could’ve skinned but found it easier to climb the ridge until just below the weather station around 5,100 ft.
Then we skinned our way to the top.
snow was solid, but we started at 0500 and topped the rim at 0900. Any later and we would’ve had a wet, sticky ride
Boarded down to about 4300 ft until I ran out of options and pushing with the poles to inch forward wasn’t worth it. Ya skiers could probably struggle lower
Shredded 4 miles out of 10. I can’t complain

From chocolate falls

The choices. Oh the choices. I opted to stay out of the flows. Water was flowing underneath

My crazy friend Rea booting up the ridge to the weather station

That drop looks nice but I would drop it in cooler weather. Saw some slides on the eastern slopes

I’d F myself

Wear sunscreen