Home > Trip Reports > May 27, 2003, Winchester Mtn.

May 27, 2003, Winchester Mtn.

WA Cascades West Slopes North (Mt Baker)
Posted by ema on 5/28/03 6:21am
Twin Lakes road is open past the first switchback at the Yellow Aster Butte Trailhead. (for approx. 3 tenths of a mile) At the switchback, I punched a 3' snowbank with my truck, after what looked like a Jeep had done, and now most any car could pass. (Broke my ridgid mud flap though >:()Started climbing up the Chute from the road, which is just to the left of the Creek that drains Twin Lakes, and provides direct access to Winchester, but warm temps., meltout, and cornices above changed my mind. So, i set a good pace up the road switchbacks and cut corners when i could....At the lakes there is still 4-5' of snow. Skinned up the South shoulder of Winchester and West of the main rock there. Continued under a large sun halo to the summit. Great views, 45 degrees in the Lookout, no one else around. Stayed there a while and watched a cloud cap grow on Baker.... Skied directly down to the lakes near the main rock outcropping. Many turns produced wet, surface slides that started with 4" of snow running on a harder base, became much larger, and more powerful, and ran all the way to the lakes. These sounded like a river while i was skiing....The most consolidated snow was from the lakes downward. A few surprisingly good pitches on great corn took me to the road, just above Swamp Cr.... On the way down, i tried to free a tire and rim lodged in some buckbrush, lost by someone driving the switchbacks one summer day. Would of hated to loose one on that road! No go, though, maybe i can free it next time i'm there, and put it on the road. (pretty tough to pack that out!) A dirty snow glide down the road put me back at my truck.  

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2003-05-28 13:21:51