Home > Trip Reports > May 27, 2002, South Sister, Oregon

May 27, 2002, South Sister, Oregon

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Posted by ema on 9/9/02 10:31am
Monday in southern oregon was warm and cloudly but the road had opened up to devils lake saving about 5 miles of hiking so we went. We had snow all the way from the road so we were able to skin all the way. Around tree level (7500) the clouds really rolled in and visablety went to feet sometimes. The snow never really firmed up. We left the ski's at 9300 ft and continued up the rock to the top. If the vis had been better we would have left ski'd anyway the snow was a bad combo of winded sastrugi and breakable crust. Oh and it started raining sideways too. WEEEEE. Back on the ski's It was pretty good The vis was a little better. The part I worried about on the way up was the last 1000 vert in the tree's because it was already soft on the way up. But it turned out to be the best of the day.It was my wife's first volcano summit and we had a grest time.


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2002-09-09 17:31:24