Home > Trip Reports > May 26-27, 2002, Washington Pass

May 26-27, 2002, Washington Pass

WA Cascades East Slopes North
Posted by ema on 9/9/02 10:35am
On Monday, went on Birthday tour variation from Blue Lake TH. Firm snow and mostly sunny on way up mid-morning. col was steep and corniced at top but with good steps. conditions on S facing, Madison ave, were soft but good skiing, until down lower which became "grabby". Day was quite warm, so by late afternoon saw/triggered significant sluffing in route to kangaroo pass. Upon reaching hairpin at 4:30, Wa Pass was being closed due to avalanches on road.

On Sunday, made trip to Heather Pass with destination of Black Peak. After crossing to Lewis lake, decided to head back due to concern with major cornices above slopes crossed in route with recent debris and poor runout. Day was warming with light rain. Nice skiing back down to Lake Ann.

Paul R

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2002-09-09 17:35:29