Home > Trip Reports > March 23, 2003, Jolly Mtn., Salmon La Sac

March 23, 2003, Jolly Mtn., Salmon La Sac

WA Cascades East Slopes Central
Posted by BrentH on 3/23/03 4:28am
This was our first time to Jolly this year as it's been a strange year. We skinned from just beyond the Sno-Park parking lot. We enjoyed the skiing between 3500' and 5000' even if it was a little on the heavy side. We climbed again for a second run. I tried to convince K-man on a third run, but no go. Weather was a mixed bag of sunshine and light snow showers. Only 2-3 feet on the ground at 4000'. Several inches of new on weird, wetted sugar parfait, but it was stable enough. Usual snowmobile racket in the background. Several snowmobilers chose to not volunteer for the voluntary restriction on Jolly. 4000vf.

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2003-03-23 12:28:05