Home > Trip Reports > June 9, 2003, Anvil Rock/Paradise

June 9, 2003, Anvil Rock/Paradise

WA Cascades West Slopes South (Mt Rainier)
Posted by Jim Oker on 6/9/03 12:57am
Took my east coast friend up for an easy-access, low key glory tour as the weather cooled a bit. We stayed right of the ant track, and found that we were able to ski up the ridge to climber's right of the snowfields w/o taking skis off at any point, though on the descent one of the thinner connectors was just about melted out. We left one napper well below Anvil rock, and left our packs with her for a nice light 1000+ vf. We veered down onto the smooth west edge of the Paradise Glacier a few times, traversed back to the ridge, and so forth all the way back. Plenty of snow left for this sort of fun, though skis will need to come off a few times to do this line in coming days...

Oh, and Dee (the east coast friend) now wishes she could find a job or a boyfriend out here to incent a move. She likes our back yard...
Hey, I've got a couple of friends I could introducer her to. Oh, you know my friends.....

Yeah - we should probably have tried the "blind ski date" while she was in town, as you never know when alchemy will strike...

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Jim Oker
2003-06-09 07:57:20