Home > Trip Reports > June 1, 2002, Mt. Ruth, Mt. Rainier NP

June 1, 2002, Mt. Ruth, Mt. Rainier NP

WA Cascades West Slopes South (Mt Rainier)
Posted by Robie on 9/10/02 9:47am
5 of us headed up from White river Campground , sunny skies and snow on the trail. Skinable snow didn't last long as trail traversed along sunny slopes. Minor avalanche debris in 3 spots slowed us down a bit. We were able to skin up about 1/4 mile before entering the basin. Excellent coverage. A ranger we met said no crevasse was showing on interglacier yet and skiing was very good. We stuck to our plan and climbed up to Ridge and then east and up to Mt. Ruth (Take your camera). Roger and Ken summited the rest of us ran out of time /gas. Skiing on North aspects was very good soft corn but anything that had seen Morning sun was sweaty and deep slush. Skied back out and down to somewhat cleared trail - thanks to Ranger work party.


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2002-09-10 16:47:48