Home > Trip Reports > February 8, 2003, Kendall Knob, Snoqualmie

February 8, 2003, Kendall Knob, Snoqualmie

WA Snoqualmie Pass
Posted by BrentH on 2/10/03 6:27am
Cover on SW Ridge of Granite looked pathetic (from I-90) so ran the stump-slash-little-tree gates a couple of time on SE side of Kendall Knob in spring like conditions and little cover (2-3 feet). 'Big plan' to find powder in N facing trees thwarted by icy rubble of branch melt/re-freeze. Lots of hoar frost. Beware next snowfall.
Spring skiing is happening now, apparently, on the right aspects. I also found the tree peed cucka in the Snoqualmie forest, but open slopes were pretty darned good, though you obviously wanna catch sunny slopes while they're soft. By the way, there's a pretty fun avalanche path on the west side of the second Kendall Knob that I almost went to check out this weekend (Volken describes how to get there in his book for anyone who is interested in this spot) - I bet that would offer pretty nice skiing along the southern edge which is pretty well shaded.

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2003-02-10 14:27:54