February 2-9, 2002, Campbell Icefield, B.C.
Canada BC
W slope Canadian Rockies (Golden, BC). Considerable avalanche hazard; 60cm new during week; Snowpack had significant layer at 1.7m, prior to storm Rutschblock 6; post storm Rutschblock 4. Excellent powder; fair to poor weather and visibility. Helicopter from Donald Station 20km NW of Golden. No other parties; no nearby heli-skiing operations. Self-guided and self-catered; see www.mountainphoto.com/about/skigolden/Chaletinfo.html. A nice set-up that will be far more fancy on completion of the new three-story chalet; excellent sauna/showers; water piped to near the hut; present hut is crowded for 12 (8 is more like it), but this will be the guide hut next year. Terrain in the hut bowl is relatively tame, but there are certainly challenges nearby (including Mt. Alan Campbell) if you have the visibility/stability to visit these places; sufficient and good quality tree/glade skiing for those low-vis days.
Brent H
Brent H
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