Home > Trip Reports > February 2, 2003, Bullion Basin

February 2, 2003, Bullion Basin

WA Cascades West Slopes South (Mt Rainier)
Posted by Jim Oker on 2/2/03 5:52am
We got the dogs out for a tour up Bullion Basin, after worrying that anything at Snoqualmie might involve a rain approach. The snow was much as described in yesterday's post on Paradise - wet powder on top of refreezing wet snow. There were some spots where the turning was pretty fun, but mostly we were out for the tour up and back. We heard tales of pretty good snow over in Cement Basin but didn't have the time to get over there today. Looked like a chudfest getting back down the west slope of Union Peak though.
...or make that east peak...

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Jim Oker
2003-02-02 13:52:21