December 15, 2001, Wenaha-Tucannon Skijor
In and out of sun at around noon. Started from the Rose Springs Sno-park S. of Pomeroy, WA. 28 deg. so snow was new but dry enough, still the going was slow compared to other flat tours w/ dogs pulling. I tied three Siberian Huskies to my belt, slapped on my Pellestova's and took off down the Grouse Flat- Pomeroy road. At height of land, we crossed over onto Abels Ridge and skied/skated N. for a good while on the windswept ridge. Lots of snowshoe hare tracks, and one small cat track of some sort- lynx? 12 mi., 2 hrs., negligible elev. gain.
David Lowry
David Lowry
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