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Bluebird Pow near Blewett-Storm skiing comming!

WA Cascades East Slopes Central
Posted by avajane on 1/7/24 5:23pm

Today was a Bluebird Powder Day up on Kings Ridge. The cold tightened up the crust making it supportive, and a smidge of new made the lower ridge ski good until late in the day. 

Best news is that a cold storm is coming, and there is already a good base. There is a skin tract to 4600’ and the Storm Skiing could be awesome the next few days for those so inclined…

Message me if you can get to this cold powder! Saw a snowboard track skiing the road today, as well as a couple of skiers going just partway up, and turning around before the snow got light and dry…


Crossed my tracks from a few

Days ago.


Unfortunately (sort of) I’m leaving for a week at Whistler, and will be leaving the skin track unattended. A few years ago Mike Rolfs called me in Maui asking for directions for the final 1500’, then posted powder pictures that had me so jealous! It really looks like perfection up there while I’m gone…It’s very rare…I hope some folks get the chance to enjoy. I will send a track if asked.


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2024-01-08 01:23:37