Home > Trip Reports > April 5, 2003, Mt Catherine

April 5, 2003, Mt Catherine

WA Snoqualmie Pass
Posted by Jim Oker on 4/5/03 8:12am
Yanna, Skip, Max, and Sasha and I all headed up Mt Catherine today. There was a nice firm base all the way for the dogs. As we started, there was 2-3" powder on the groomers down low, and as we got up past Mill Creek we were in 8-14" of wonderful and generally cohesionless snow on a firm but carvable base. There were two tracks out ahead of us, but being on the late shift we saw no one. It was our first time and we sorta screwed the route across Mill Creek, but we found snow bridges and pulled skis off to cross one open creek, and still got on the basic route up higher. You can mostly get an edge in on the steeper traverses. With a few inches falling as we were out, the ski down was amazing floofy powder turns all the way back to the car. If the snow level doesn't rise too high I think tomorrow will be as or more amazing - surf's up!
Jim - you saw Ron and my tracks, sorry we missed you!  Boy, I said I couldn't wait for Catherine on a cold powder day, and we sure hit it, didn't we!  Fabulous snow up high with my first chest shots in Washington.

I wish I didn't have the pay for too much fun with some "must-do" chores today, otherwise I'd be heading up for another dose! Looks like Snoqualmie was the snowfall winner overnight.

Damn, I thought we were the first ones to summit catherine yesterday?

We left around 11am or so and did the same thing. Up to the top of Hyak mountain, down a FR on the left, crossed some streams, one had a log crossing that was fun. Then we gained the FR again and hit the right side of Catherine and gained the Northernmost ridge to the top. We saw no other tracks on the way up unless we went a different way? Darn steep for the last 5-600 feet with lots of previous avy debris, but the powder on the way down in the trees was awesome! Best skiing all year for me! We let alot of loose snow avys, but they all got terminated in the trees.

On the way back we decided to hit the nordic trail on the way back so we did not have to deal with the stupid stream crossing again. The turns down from Hyak Mountain were even good. With the conditions of the dry powder on top of Catherine at 5K, I can only imagine what higher elevations snow was like!

Images and tr to come soon at www.nwog.org

You sure did go a different way.  We crossed Mill Creek where the Hidden Valley nordic trail crosses, in the big clearcut behind Hyak.  Then entered the forest and traversed around the lower part of Catherine, staying above the stream.  We then switched back and scaled the steep wall that guards the NW rib.  You were on the north ridge and we were on the NW rib.  Sounds like the forests of the NW rib were much safer for travel than the North Ridge, we saw no avy activity.  The steep section just below the summit ridge was terrific powder.  You're right, the higher slopes probably had great snow, but as you found out, probably pretty dangerous, too!

What is really cool is that three seperate (unless there were more?!?) parties summited and non saw each other.  In truth, I'll just pretend we were the only ones there that day...

what time did u reach the summit?

Couldn't say - we left Hyak at 7 am and where back to the car by 11:45.  So maybe 11?

The tracks we followed included someone who was booting as it got steep near the top (smart move - seemed more efficient than the tight switchbacks given the step-kickable crust), and I don't *recall* going through any avy debris.

Yup - that be us.  I took off my skis early and Ron near the top.  The walking was so easy it just seemed faster than changing back and forth.  Did you ski the chute we did?  That shot off the top will get me through this week.

Yanna and Skip skied your chute, and I worked over toward skiers right along the ridge before dropping down into flat steep aprons of snow among widely spaced trees that I spotted on the climb - the fluff was flying!

Definitely one of my best two backcountry outings of the season to date, though just a really good day compared to a better season.

Makes me wonder where the heck Scott was - maybe ascending a completely different high point on the ridge, perhaps coming up more from Nordic Pass or something?

Good question, but I want to know where you guys went?
Of course we started so late in the day, leaving the car around 11am or noon. Surprised we did not see you at the top of Hyak Mtn on your way back. We did not see any other tracks the entire day, and the avy debris on the upper slopes was all over the place, about a week old though. I think that everyone should get an avalung, they are the coolest, and so lightweight now!

Here is our route:

We stayed a bit north of your route. We didn't go to the top of the ski area - we rounded the pass just above where the map says "radio facility" and were near your "down" line except I think we were just a little west of there. We must have been up there at similar times of day, as we got started around 11:30 (though we got bogged down with logistics at one point so I'm guessing you were at the top a while ahead of us).

Definitely no avy debris on our route and no slabs releasing, but I saw debris all around the base of the cliffs that were to skiers right of our route. I wonder if you dropped down somewhere between the cliff bands.

I think we saw everyone's tracks converge around the clearcut getting to the bridge over Mill Creek.

Seems like there are multiple route options, though I agree with MW that ours seemed safer than what you describe Scott.

Sounds like it was pretty busy up there Saturday. Did any of you happen to see a couple of toddlers getting pulled up the ski area? My wife and I decided to try towing our boys, Stig-6 and Per-4, up Hyak as an alternative to lift skiing Alpental. It worked better than I had hoped! We got to ski two runs in good snow and got a workout as well. The boys liked it except Per was getting a bit bored on the second uphill lap.

I made sure to take some pictures for proof so I can get them to return the favor when I am too old and slow!  I recommend this form of torture for any other dads out there who want to share touring with their young ones.

Great Topo Scott, I think I'm going to steal it!  I was wondering exactly what your line was.  You flirted with a lot of cliffs!  Good show.

Alpentrol - let me guess...two little whipper snappers with helmuts on, near the Members Only club (forget the name of the group but they have a sweet cabin with a nice deck that they do BBQs in season, next to the "begginners lift")?  I commented to my wife that I saw my destiny today with Dad teaching his kids the basics of non ski lift fun.  Bet that was you!  Small world indeed...  

The topo was by Paul Klenke
Ask him for a good copy
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Jim Oker
2003-04-05 16:12:36