Home > Trip Reports > April 3, 2004, Snoqualmie Pass - Lundin / Red Mtn.

April 3, 2004, Snoqualmie Pass - Lundin / Red Mtn.

WA Snoqualmie Pass
Posted by Pete A on 4/3/04 3:48am
Headed up to ski the west face of Red Mtn. The top 800vf on the west face is almost completely covered in avy debris...it would be an awful ski right now. We couldn't spot a single line that was clear of debris, so we traversed over to Lundin and continued up to the top as there were only a couple small slide paths on the southeast face of Lundin.
We were on our way down by 10am and already the snow was getting cooked. fyi, the sun hit the west face of Red around 9:30am, before then it still had a firm crust. There was a relatively thin freeze crust on our way up, but lower down where the crust had melted through we were wallowing in calf deep sludge.
If anyone has plans to ski up there tomorrow, get an early start. We left the trailhead at 6:45, and we probably would've had better conditions if we'd left earlier....of course, it may not even freeze up there tonight, so it could be really ugly tomorrow.
Urg!  We were thinking about hitting that line tomorrow, maybe we'll have to think of something else.  Bud, based on what you saw today, which aspects (in general) do you think will be best in the Alpental area?  Trying to think about other ideas if Red is a no-go.



hey Corey,
I'd look at other options tomorrow besides Red...we considered heading up the west face despite the debris, but Lundin was looking so smooth in comparison we just couldn't justify skiing such a bumpy, chewed up line.
Sorry, but I don't really know what is going to be the best aspect to head to tomorrow. We didn't get on any north facing stuff, and everything that got in direct sunlight seemed to be skiable almost immediately and was quickly on its way to being bottomless mashed potatoes.
best of luck finding some good turns.

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Pete A
2004-04-03 11:48:54