Home > Trip Reports > April 25, 2003, Silver Creek, Wenatchee NF

April 25, 2003, Silver Creek, Wenatchee NF

WA Cascades East Slopes Central
Posted by Charles on 4/26/03 12:25am
A month ago the snowpack was great for this whole trip; this time the snowpack was just passable below 4000', and still good above. There was smoe new snow on the trees above about 3000', small patches of old snow on the trail beginning at about 3200', but no skiable snow until right below the lip of the hanging valley at about 3500'. Surprisingly large amounts of blue sky and sunshine, given the forecasts.

Small amounts of the new snow had filtered down through the trees in the valley, just enough to allow our waxless skis to grip well, and the skiing was pleasant until bands of thick trees near small avalanche chutes, where the low snowpack made travel more difficult. Past the chutes, the forest opened up again, and the snowpack deepened as the valley climbed toward the meadows. The new snow layer deepened only slightly, so that in the meadows there was about 2" of new over a strong crust over 6" of large granular snow over a solid base. The striding was very good in the meadows.

After lunch, we skied up to the base of the pinnacle and did a little ridge run to the meadows. The snow was great, with the crust supporting our turns even with all of the sunshine, and Tom quickly remembered how to make skinny skis turn (Fischer E99s, about 65mm tip). We then headed to a low spot on the NE rim of the meadows (views out toward Salmon La Sac, with Stuart and Daniels), and then made a traversing climb onto the open west slopes of West Peak. The run down to the meadows began our descent of the valley, where sun and drip had made the forest snow quite skiable. Not being able to ski down from the lip of the valley made the trail hike seem pretty long, and it was a great relief to remove the boots back at the car.

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2003-04-26 07:25:04