Home > Trip Reports > April 13, 2003, Union Crk./Bullion Pk, Crystal

April 13, 2003, Union Crk./Bullion Pk, Crystal

WA Cascades West Slopes South (Mt Rainier)
Posted by BrentH on 4/13/03 6:12am
We were only party in Bullion Basin today. Two runs from Bullion Peak into Union Creek; two runs on N side of Bullion Peak. Almost 6K vf (altimeter watches are mixed blessing). Between approx. 5500' and 7000' we found 2-4" heavy new on wet, stable, and supportative base. Observed minor surface sluffing and occassional death cookies; no naturals of any consequence. Weather surprised us -- it was good (Rainier rain shadow?). Today was last day of operation for lift skiers; few skiers on the grooming.

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2003-04-13 13:12:23